All commissioners present. Pat Collins, Emergency Services Director, asked Commission to approve a change in use of purchase cards for his dept. Approved 3-0. Commission also approved his request to take the Mobile Command Post to Wamego July 4 celebration.
Debbie Regester, Register of Deeds, reported that revenues are $50,000 behind 2009 figure. This is partly because residential mortgages are down, but also because there were two very large (over $1 million) mortgages in 2009. She has been certified in Kansas (one of only 2 in stat). The software conversion to new company is complete.
Susie Kufahl, Health Dept, requested approval and signature of Commission for a Federal grant tfor Healthy Families program tobe included in Health Dept budget, as it must be matched and approved by tax-assessing govt entity.
Clancy Holeman, Administration, Counsel, led discussion of responsibility for jail inmate medical expenses. State Dept of Corrections has been late in collecting certain inmates held by County after sentencing, and claiming that County is responsible. Statute states "...when person is in custody of DOC they are responsible for the care." Commissioners asked Holeman to reques change in statute so County does not have responsibility if DOC delays pick-up.
Jennifer Wilson, Extension, updated Commission on upcoming events. Pottorf Hall was used by Red Cross as emergency shelter for 14 people displaced by high water. She mentioned courses and publications to do with raising lambs and cooking skills. Over 150 volunteers have been recruited for the County Fair. Usually between 25,000 and 30,000 people attend. Andrea Schmidt Feldcamp told Commissioners about the youth trip by bus to Washington, DC sponsored by 4H.They will see sights on the way, and study Federal Government, learn to navigate the Metro, and visit our Representative and a KS Senator. They will be nome July 4. Greg Eyestone announced the Master Gardener Garden Tour, July 10 from 10:00 to 3:00. Included are 7 private gardens and 2 public gardents The fee is $7 in advance, $8 on the day.
A representative of RCPD said they are down 6 personnel, 2 of which are police officers. Daily inmate count is above average. The new part of LEC developed a leak after the recent heavy rains. He discussed a list of 26 habitual offenders which includes one person who is suspected of committing 5 crimes a week. An expert from Florida evaluated the dept's Internal Affairs department in early March. He pronounced it "very good," did some training, and made 20 recommendations. They plan to institute a mediation plan for disputes between police and the public.
Bob Isaac, Planner, conducted a public meeting regarding rules governing borrow pits. The revision was intended to include land areas of under one acre, which have not been regulated heretofore. Richard Britt, of Britt Farms, which sells topsoil and uses borrow pits spoke against the revision, saing it would put him at an economic disadvantage. Commissioners regretted causing Mr. Britt trouble, but decided that it is in the County's best interest to regulate lots under one acre ato the same degree that 1-5 acre lots are regulated. Passed 3-0.
Kathy Morris of KSU Office of Local Government in Extension, presented a report of findings in thorough study of Riley County Fiscal Conditions and Trends 2010. Commissioners have copies of the report.
In the afternoon, Leon Hobson, Public Works Director, presented a recommendation for solid waste disposal. Proposals were received from Ham, Inc. and Waste Management. In comparing bids including inflation increases and gasoline price increase adjustments, Hobson and Commissioners determined that Ham Inc's bid was preferable. Hobson will try to work out further concessions before signing a contract. Differences between Riley and Geary Counties in treatment of Solid Waste were discussed. Riley County has recycling of e-waste, which is by and large toxic, "white" appliance recycling, brush and compost programs, which are valuable to the community at large. Geary Co does not have these programs.
Shelly Williams, Community Corrections Director, requested approval for grant application for equipment to enhance their services in Justice jAssistance. Approved 3-0.
Cindy Volanti, Human Resources, Pat Collins, Emergency Services, Eileen King, Treasurer, and a number of other County officials, presented request for approval of allowances for Data Phone use. This would be needed only for certain eomployees: 17 individuals in 6 departments. Each would jreceive $60 monthly allowance (which is inclusive of normal Co employee allowance). Each must be approved by Commission and Department Head. Approved 3-0.
Adjourned. Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.