Monday, December 29, 2014

Riley County Commission December 28,2014

Joan Strickler, observer. 

Commissioners Boyd, Wells and Lewis present, Boyd presiding.

Commissioners approved a resolution making appointments to various Advisory Boards
and Councils.

The Commission approved a memorandum of agreement with the Mercy Regional Health Center to extend the agreement with Riley County pertaining to provision of ambulance services.  The extension is to cover the period prior to Via Christi’s assuming total operational control of the hospital.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman presented proposed by-laws regarding the establishment of the Riley County Public Building Commission.  Holeman pointed out that by-laws are not required for such Commissions; however, he suggests creating them to help guide decision making in the future.

Brenda Nickel, Director of the Riley County Health Department, presented a certificate of appreciation to Commissioner Lewis for his role in assuring a smooth transition of the Department from joint Manhattan/Riley County governance to that of a Department of Riley County.

Monty Wedel, Planning/Special Projects Director, presented proposed standards changes to comply with the International Property Maintenance Code at a public hearing.  The amendments were approved.

A request from Brenda Nickel to close the Health Department for 3 hours on a quarterly basis for staff professional development meetings was held for further input from other Department Heads.

Commissioners discussed their goals for 2015.  Among those mentioned was the need for security in the County Courthouse.  Other issues included concerns about the impact of actions by the Kansas Legislature that may affect the County and the need to have a lobbyist ready to keep informed to alert Commissioners to potential problems.

Budget and Finance Officer Johnette Shepek discussed possible contract updates with Advanced Correctional Healthcare for inmate medical services.   A key issue is whether or not to include prescription drug costs in the contract or to continue contracting separately with a local pharmacist for these services.