Thursday, March 26, 2015

Riley County Commission March 26, 2015

Joan Strickler, observer

Riley County Commission March 25, 2015

All Commissioners present, Wells presiding.

Commissioner Wells said he would like to see regional participation in cost sharing for building the new firing range to train law enforcement personnel.

Greg Lund, parks manager reported Randolph is requesting support for a new bathroom in its recreation area.  The current facility was built 50 years ago and is so badly in need of repair it would make no sense in trying to upgrade it.  A new facility would be ADA accessible.  They are requesting $12,000 from Parks funds but will need an additional $62,000 to complete the project.  They are looking into the possibility of grant support.

The Riley pool needs a new security system.  People are getting into the pool after hours.

The Commissioners refused a request from the Veterans Administration Home Loan Center to put their link on the County website.  There were concerns about opening the option to a multitude of requests.

Johnette Shepek, budget and finance officer, reviewed the extensive schedule for gathering and reviewing information to help in developing the 2016 budget which is due in August.

The portion of the review process dealing with holding executive sessions with department heads was questioned by Commissioner Wells.  He expressed the opinion that Commissioners were getting into micromanaging the staff.  Commissioner Boyd disagreed saying the Commission has a responsibility to provide such leadership.  Commissioner Wells said he felt it led to a waste of time for Commissioners and staff.  A vote to reduce the sessions to two, one in July and the other at the end of the year passed.  The discussion, however, was renewed at the close of the meeting as the two debated the role of commissioners in terms of providing good leadership vs. micro managing.

Human Resource manager Cindy Volanti reported on her participation in a meeting with State officials on KPERS and deferred comp benefits.  There are many concerns about changes that may occur to the KPERS program as a result of actions by the Kansas Legislature.

Emergency Management Director Pat Collins thanked the local media for their coverage given to the need for additional fire crew volunteers.  Apparently five new volunteers have been recruited as a result of the attention.  Collins also reported on an investigation he was involved in the night of the party at Britts which occurred during Fake St. Patty’s Day activities.  At the time he was there a possible problem with overcrowding was handled.  More concerning problems involving firearms occurred later.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Riley County Commission March 23, 2015

Riley County Commission March 23, 2015

 Joan Strickler, observer

All Commissioners present, Wells presiding.

Pat Collins, emergency management director, reported on plans to obtain funds to construct the Tuttle Creek Fire Station.  The USDA will accept applications for loans up to $650,000 at an interest rate of 3.75%.  The Commissioners agreed to proceed with an application.

The Big Lakes Developmental Center Director, Lori Feldkamp, discussed proposed licensing standards the State has developed that are causing concern.  Community services for persons with developmental disabilities vary widely according to the individual’s needs and the location in which services are provided.  The proposed licensing standards focus on facilities similar to nursing homes while BLDC services may be offered in many different locations.  Efforts are underway to change the focus of the standards to relate to actual services provided rather than within a specific type of building.  DD Centers are experiencing 7 year waiting lists.

Pat Collins reported volunteer fire fighters were called to respond to 14 calls over this past weekend.  He noted the need for additional volunteers to help meet the demand.  As of April 1 the only burning that is to be allowed is pasture burning.  No trash or garden burning will be permitted as of that date.

County Clerk Rich Vargo noted the general election for the Riley City Commission and the Riley School Board will take place on April 7.  Voters may request mail in ballots or vote in advance at the County Clerk’s office as an alternative to voting on the day of the election.   The usual voter turnout is about 20%.  He noted in areas that allow for voting by mail participation appears to be considerably higher.

Commissioners received an overall review of the Manhattan Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and the Manhattan Area Transportation Strategy.  They each expressed support for the plan.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Informed Voters/Fair Courts: F. James Robinson, Jr., February 14, 2015

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Cathy Hedge