Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer
The board voted 6-1 to discontinue the program at Ogden Elementary School which provided free school meals to all students. A federal program had reimbursed the district for the costs of meals for students who qualify for free and reduced students. The number of students at Ogden who qualify for free and reduced meals has declined, resulting in a decrease in reimbursement dollars such that the program will no longer pay for itself. Curt Herrman was the dissenting vote.
Board members discussed the "request for qualifications" (RFQ) document for the Construction Manager At-Risk (CMR) approach being considered for the high school construction projects. The board discussed the pros and cons of allowing the CMR to self-perform any of the work. The board, the project architect, and the district's project manager will have oversight of the CMR, even for work that is self-performed. The board approved 6-1 the RFQ and to allow the CMR to self-perform work. Walt Pesaresi voted "no."
The board discussed the 2009-10 budget and looked at reducing building supply budgets by 10%, not filling an administrator position, and reducing the Summer School budget. The district's overall budget will decrease by $1.8 million due to decreased state funding. The board had directed administration to develop different options for the capital outlay mill levy and the corresponding projects the different mill levies would fund. Nancy Knopp thought that given the condition of the economy, the capital outlay mill levy should stay flat. Other board members expressed an interest in increasing the capital outlay mill levy because the public had told the board during the bond campaign that it wanted to see facilities maintained. The board approved 6-1 to develop a budget using a capital outlay mill levy of 5.5 mills, which was an increase from the current 3.27 mills. Mrs. Knopp voted "no."
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