Kathy Dzewaltowski, Observer
Work session:
The Ebert Mayo Design Group presented the board with pre-schematic designs for Northview Elementary. Board members expressed concerns about equity among the larger elementary schools in terms of the number of "dedicated" classrooms (i.e. rooms for music, computer lab, art, etc.).
Regular meeting:
The board was presented with plans for reviewing math curriculum for grades K-5 and adopting a resource. Board members said they would like to see more students prepared to take Algebra I in 7th grade.
The board received information about the district's performance on state assessments. The district earned 90 "Standards of Excellence," and the scores of African-American and Hispanic students had improved significantly.
The final schematic design for Lee Elementary was discussed. The board discussed $300,000 in unforeseen site improvements planned for the project and whether to use contingency funds or delete items. For example, the school's existing water main is not large enough to support a fire sprinkler system, so a larger main will need to be installed. Board members decided that there are enough contingency funds to cover the $300,000 and approved the schematic design.
The board discussed at length the four firms which had been interviewed for the Construction Manager At-Risk position for the MHS and Bishop Stadium construction projects. Board members discussed each firm's references, experience, safety, how well they interviewed, and general pros and cons.
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