All commissioners present. Rich Vargo, Co. Clerk, gave YTD budget and expenditure reports. Eileen King, Co Treasurer, gave monthly financial reports. Interest earned on County investments in October was at .08%. King was able to secure reinvestment of one fund at 1.84%.YTD interest income is $342,049.91 (54.73% of budget for year) as compared to 120.86% at this point in 2008. Sales tax collections are slightly over budget. Hy-Vee, though operating only since August, has joined the "top 25" of sales tax contributors (at #25). King commented that the delinquency rate on Ad Valorem taxes is very low in Riley County. All the counties in Kansas are linked by computer with regard to motor vehicle taxes. If anyone with delinquest tax registers a car in another county, the delinquency "pops up" on the computer.
Robbin Cole, of Pawnee Mental Health Services, reminded Commissioners that the State allocation for mental health services has been cut by 52% in the last year, by the Legislature. This has caused many providers to rethink the way they provide services to uninsured persons.This year the Legislature changed the wording on the contract to include "subject to available resources" Pawnee has already cut $50,000 in salaries from 2009 Budget. Cole said that the Counties participating in Pawnee MHS have been very supportive.
McCulloh said County Hazardous Waste will be at Howie's on Sat Nov 14.
Kearns read a proclamation of Veteran's Day on November 11, Wednesday. He said many activities are available to honor Verterans, including a breakfast, parade, speeches at City Auditorium.
Susan Kufahl said County Health Dept will hold clinic for H1N1 vaccine on Tuesday from 4 to 5:30. They hope to have a clinic for elementary school children on Nov 23, and one for High school students on Nov 30. They still do not allocations they will receive. From 33% of schools with 10% or more absentee two weeks ago, rate has gone down to 15%.Hospital admissions remain the same.
Leon Hobson,Pub Works Dir and County Engineer, gave an update on projects. Commission will tour the site of a proposed road closing on Nov 23, afternoon. NOTE: Barnes Road Bridge will be
CLOSED for repairs; project will begin sometime between Jan 4 and Feb 10, and continue for about 70 days.The main financing for this project is from Federal stimulus funds.
Clancy, County Counsel, conducted an informational hearing on the question of reopening the west entrance to Tuttle Creek State Park. A representative of the Corps of Engineers and a representative of the Kansas State Parks spoke on the subject. The Corps representative explained which roads had been destroyed by the recent dam construction, which would never be restored, and when the entire project will be finished (by Dec 15, they project). The employee of the State Park System discussed the three options: two entrances, a west entrance only, and an east entrance only. Each has good and bad points. For complete information, attend the public meeting on Nov 16 at the Fire Station, 7:00. Commissioners agreed by consensus to postpone action on any resolution until after the meeting.
CherylCollins, Museum Director, said Goodnow house and barn are now closed for renovations. They may figure in the Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area activities. A meeting of that grouip will be here in Riley County on Nov 12. Call Museum for details.
Bob Isaac, CountyPlanner, conducted a public hearing on the vacation of utility easement on property at Tuttle Creek Lake. The area has never been developed\. There are no utilities in the property. Commissioners accepted recommendation of staff to approve vacation, 3-0.
Isaac conducted a public hearing on vacation of road right-of-ways in same general area. The County owns rights of way, but has never built any roads. Owner made plats for development and installed primitive roads in 1964. There has been no development, there is no access to water or sewer services, the "road" (classed as a "trail")is only half on the right-of-way, the terrain is hostile to development, there are no utilities and no interest in utilities. Staff recom-mended approval of the vacation. In discussion, Corps of Engineers stated interes in retaining access to the Lake at that point. Mr. Johnson was concerned about increasing difficulties for hunters and fishers. It was agreed that staff will find a time for Commissionerrs to view the property before making a decision.
Commissionersw signed a contract to buy two properties in Fairmount Park.
COMMISSION will not meet on Thurs Nov 12 or on Mon Nov 16.
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