Joan Strickler, observer
Commissioners Kearns and McCulloh present, Kearns presiding.
Pat Collins, emergency management director, suggested a review process be established to consider how well emergency response calls are handled. Currently individual complaints from callers are investigated, but there is no provision for an ongoing review of the quality of call responses generally.
Randolph officials have proposed a change in language in the contract with Riley County regarding provision of ambulance and other emergency medical services. Some staff concerns were raised about needing flexibility in providing emergency ambulance coverage. The contract will be reviewed again at a later time. Commissioner Kearns and staff will meet with the Randolph people.
Mandy Chapman-Semple, director of the Manhattan emergency center, said the demand for services has doubled in the past year. Federal stimulus funds have helped by making it possible to move some people into their own housing over the last few months. Many clients have multiple medical needs and are referred to the Free Clinic. She said the Health Department is not seen to be quite as accessible except for women’s health needs.
Currently there is a 3.2% unemployment rate in Riley County. Foreclosures have risen somewhat and sales have decreased slightly. Sales data can be accessed at the County’s website at: Check on E-Gov Services>On-Line Appraisal Data. The temporary User Name is (informal and Password (appeal). Information will be available until March 15.
A brief discussion was held with department heads regarding the death of John Cowan, director of the GIS department. It was generally agreed the GIS director’s position is a critical one and that separate department status should be retained. A committee will be formed to develop a list of qualifications and position description to make it possible to initiate a search for a new director as soon as possible. Commissioner McCullogh suggested there may be ways to consolidate some of the City’s needs into the County operations for cost savings.
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