Rich Vargo gave the YTD Budget and Expense report. Routine.
Craig Cox, Office of Counsel, said there will be a Public Hearing on March 15 regarding proposed Family Day Care Regulations. State encourages Counties to have inspection regulations. The Health Department and County Counselor's office have worked together to compile the proposed regulations. The City has already adopted inspection regulations for both Licensed and Registered homes. Licensed homes in Riley County are now inspected once a year. The proposed regulations would add annual inspections for Registered homes in unincorporated areas. Interested parties have been invited, the public is welcome. Commission meeting room, 1st floor, Cthse Plaza E, 7:00 p.m. March 15.
Jennifer Wilson, Extension, said their free income tax assistance program has served 227 taxpayers over 5 weeks. The program, at Public Library, closes after March 10. Program is available only for simple filings: income under $42,000; no State filings except KS; no itemized, military, or international forms; no filings for State sales tax or homestead refunds without Federal income filing.
Laurie Harrison said March 8-12 (now) is Severe Weather Awareness Week. People should review their emergency procedures and disaster supply kits. March 9. Backup date in case of inclement weather (don't want to scare folks!) is March 11. At 7:00 on March 9 there will be a weather presentation at Pottorf Hall (free and open to public).Radio Shack will give a door prize of a weather radio. WARN (weather amateur radio network) will present educational program: preparation and safety information such as: there were 109 tornadoes in Kansas in 2009 (a record); explanation of term "wall cloud" etc. Harrison mentioned that there IS NO ALL CLEAR signal. A second siren sounding means "still danger."
Rich Vargo said Ogden special election on the question of recalling the mayor is tomorrow only in Ogden. Canvass will be on Friday, March 12.
Leon Hobson, Public Works Director, Bob Isaac, Planning, and Monty Wedel, Planning, discussed application for variance by owner of property on 59th Street, and issues regarding road being not centered in the right-of-way. Hobson has proposed a solution to the landowner and awaits a call back.Monty Wedel said they are applying for a grant whose availability has only recently been known. It would help pay for the crucial boiler and cooling tower repairs for the County Office Building.
Clancy Holeman discussed legislation relating to custody of prisoners. Custody implies responsibility for expenses, including medical. The County is concerned that the Dept of Corrections will not take responsibility for prisoners after they are sentenced, but not yet transferred from County jails.
Cheryl Collins, Museum Curator, asked permission for staff to attend American Assoc. of State and Local History in Oklahoma City Sep. 21-25. Approved 3-0. If the Legislature does away with their budgeted funds for the conference, Collins and others will pay for themselves. Museum personnel have been participating in many training programs in preparation for certification. The Wolfe House Book Sale was very successful.
Rich Vargo, County Clerk, led a discussion of a proposed policy of eliminating County-provided cell phones for Department Heads and some other employees. A committee of department heads has been studying policies in other counties and in Manhattan City. A majority of those concerned are happy to use their personal phones and receive a reimbursement allowance, but there is well-founded objection on the part of some. One employee said he felt he was on 24-hour call anyway, because of the nature of his job (emergency services). Another objected to having contractors and other people having his personal phone number. People on family plans as well as those not having personal cell phones would have to buy new ones. Some employees object to having to carry two phones. Commissioners felt the issue was more complicated than they had anticipatd. They will have a work session next week.
NOTE: The Thursday Mar 11 meeting will be in city of Riley. adjourned.
Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.
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