Riley County-Manhattan Board of Health
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Two new members were introduced and welcomed to the board: Daniel Winter, DDS is the Dental representative and Loren Pepperd , beginning in May, will represent the City Commission in the place of Bob Strawn.
Charles Murphy, Health Department Administrator, reported that vaccines are now available for Hepatitis A and B . Funding will be through the Health Department supplying staff, administration and reporting and the rest will come from the federal government, local government, and fees. The Department turned down an offer of increased HIV testing of family planning patients because it couldn’t come up with the 40% cash match.
Additional cuts could come in the next month impacting the Child Care Block Grant, Smart Start. and Healthy Start.
Assistant Administrator Susie Kufahl has been elected president of the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation. Health Department staff met with Mercy Hospital staff to discuss low income needs and access. The Health Department continues to collaborate with the free clinic.
Charles Murphy also reported that the ARNP will be leaving and they are actively seeking another without much luck thus far. ARNP salaries are climbing and competing for nurses is increasingly difficult.
Charles Murphy thanked the members of the City and County Commissions for funding the rehiring of the food inspector - which is helpful as she is already trained for the position - and the half-time position in the Environmental office. Charles Murphy thanked the board for their support and especially Dr. Paul Benne, the Fort Riley representative, for speaking at the Commissions meeting. Charles Murphy stated that support of the commissioners for public health is gratifying. The board then approved unanimously the hiring of these two staff members.
Discussion of the budget continued. Charles Murphy supplied, as directed by the Board. three levels for the budget. One with a 10% increase. one with a 5% increase, and a level budget. to be submitted to both the City and County in their approved “inter/local” 55/45 split support for the Health Department. All showed decreased funding for the Department ranging from $110.521 from 2010 for the 5% increased funding budget, $84,125 for the 10% increased funding budget, and $111,737 for the level budget. All CIP funding was eliminated which means no new computers, not fixing parking lot, or other maintenance expenditures. Dr. Benne noted that not maintaining equipment can be more expensive in the long run. Karen McCulloh reiterated that “there is no money”. The Board voted to submit the level budget request.
Discussion of the electronic cigarette issue proposed by Dr. Benne resulted in passage by the board to request legal council as to whether the present law could also include electronic cigarette smoking prohibition. Dr. Benne noted that not much is known about the effects of the vapor produced by this type of smoking but that the state of New Jersey is working on such a prohibition. Loren Pepperd noted that he felt that ozone was in the vapor and not healthful for people.
The board approved the Varney and Associates bid to do the 2009 audit for $5250.
Sue Cohen Observer
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