Thursday, June 16, 2011

Riley County Commission June 16, 2011

Joan Strickler, observer

All Commissioners present, McCulloh presiding.

Commissioner Lewis said the juvenile detention center will be raising the rates it charges to serve inmates sent from non-participating counties. A video is being made in the hope it will convince additional counties to agree to join as sponsoring participants. Lewis is voicing the video.

Commissioners agreed to sign a letter to support a request for public transportation
assistance from KDOT for Big Lakes Developmental Center, Inc.

Register of Deeds Debbie Regester reported she has contracted to obtain backup storage of computer information with a Montana company. Such safeguards are important to guard against loss of records in disaster events.

It was agreed to amend the existing “pledge” resolution on the countywide ½ cent sales tax to remove mention of the south Manhattan avenue project. Apparently both the township and the landowners are against the road work as proposed.

County Extension Director Jennifer Wilson announced “farmer’s market cooking classes” will be held July 22 and 23 for children in grades 3 through 5. Students will shop for food items at the farmer’s market and learn to cook them. Interested persons may sign up for the classes at the County Extension office. The Riley County Fair will be held July 21st through 25th.

Riley County Police Department Director Brad Schoen said crime is down somewhat in the area and particularly in Ogden. He expressed concern about possible plans by the City to underbudget funds to deal with tax delinquencies. Typically budgets are developed on a projected 3% delinquency, however rates are running currently at about 6%. There is some question as to who is responsible for covering the costs running in excess of those budgeted by the City and County. Reportedly the City Commission has suggested that RCPD reserve funds could be used. The law, however, appears clearly to place funding responsibilities with the City and County. The RCPD reserve fund is to be used for emergencies only, not to cover day to day expenses. Budget and Finance Officer Johnette Shepek said the County adds dollars from its general fund account when the budgeted amount is exceeded.

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