Monday, July 4, 2011

Observer Report of Health Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A quorum of six member were present. Notably missing were Loren Pepperd, Derek Mosier, and Dr. Rick Fulton. Karen McCulloh, of the County Commission, came in late having had cataract surgery that morning. Lauren Palmer, representing the City, ex officio was also present.

The presentation about the functions of the Health Department for this month were by the two ARNP’s who provide the care in the clinic each half time. Hannah Lauer spoke about the smooth functioning of the clinic with the shared responsibilities by two part time ARNP’s allowing each to care for their young families and still maintain careers.

Bonnie McKinsey discussed the challenges of the clients of the clinic who essentially present “span of life” conditions. She spoke of the many chronically ill clients who are cared for through the clinic and the fact that the supporting staff was excellent. She stated that Dr. Herl, who is the medical Doctor affiliated with the clinic, is easily contacted when needed. The free lab work provided by Lab Corp is especially helpful for quicker diagnosis and treatment and very helpful to the clinic clients.

The first two items on the proposed agenda were postponed. The presentation of the early childhood brochure was delayed as it was not yet available. The Presentation of the Smart Start Evaluation, a requirement of the grant for the Early Childhood Block Grant, by Tara Gregory of Wichita State University is postponed as Ms. Gregory was unable to come. Two items were added to the agenda, the first relating to revision of the budget and the second a report by Assistant Administrator, Susie Kufahl concerning the Health Advisory Committee.

Nursing supervisor Dawn Searles’s report indicated that 162 pregnant and postnatal women were in the Maternal and Infant program during the month of May and that there were sixteen new enrollments and seven discharges. There were only three communicable diseases reported in May, one Salmonellosis, one Shigellosis, and one Hepatitis C.

The WIC program report by Lisa Ross RD.LD.CBE noted total participating in Riley county to be 3177 with new applications 129 from Riley County and 283 from Fort Riley. The WIC staff monitors six local grocery stores who accept WIC checks. The combined value of the redeemed WIC checks for May was $66,389.86

The report from Mindy Robbins concerned the Smart Start/Early Childhood Block grant and the provision for a representative from each participating child care center to attend an on-site professional development event on Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. The staff also attended the training in terms of “training the trainer”and in the continuing support for the Kansas Strengthening Families Plan.

The major item on the agenda was the discussion of the “pulling out” by the city from support of the Health Department at the City Commission meeting the evening before the Board meeting and turning the Health Department from a City-County to a County Health Department. Charles Murphy, Department Administrator, indicated that a meeting with the County on Thursday was scheduled. The Board commented on the fact that they had requested at the March 30, 2011 meeting to table the issue until February 2012 when a new administrator would be in place and that little study had yet been done on the issue. Karen McCulloh noted that it was a ”done deal” and the County would cope. Discussion commented on whether this board should be the one to hire the new administrator. Doug Finney suggested that appointing the present Assistant Administrator as an interim administrator might be the best plan since the Board was literally a ”lame duck” Board. Charles Murphy wondered how the Health Officer aspect of the Department should be continued and noted that at times sanitation problems had been reported to him requiring his immediate action. Lauren Palmer, Assistant City Manager felt that a “non” issue for the city and would be handled by the expected Charter action.

Debbie Nuss reported there were seven applicants at this time for the Administrator position. It was decided to allow the advertising for the position to continue for the time being.

Mr. Murphy presented the revised budget and the Board approved it as presented.

Mr. Murphy reported on the progress of the Kansas Health Information Network. The Hospital will head up this initiative. He indicated there might be problems relating to choosing software that each member can use and access and that the Department would wait until there was more clarity on the issue.

Ms. Kufahl included a report of the Public Health Advisory Committee Planning Meeting. Goals were drafted including ways to educate and encourage people to make healthy choices in nutrition and physical activity.

Submitted Sue Cohen, Observer.

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