JULY 27, 2011
MICHELLE MARKVICKA provided the Department Highlight for the education of the Board. She is the receptionist for the Family Connections Clinic, WIC, the Women,Infants and Children Federal program, as well Smart Start, which provides visits to new mothers and infants. She has been with the Health Department for three years and that experience has enabled her to take on the many tasks related to these programs. She noted that she is the point of contact for people seeking services making 150 referrals weekly directing them to the right place which requires her to know a great deal about each service. She also does a lot of charting and entering of data as well as alerting the clinic nurses to problems. Essentially she is so much more than a receptionist.
The Treasurer’s report touched on ongoing transfer of the Health Department to the County. Charles Murphy, Director, reported nearly daily meetings working out the transfer of the so-called “reserve funds” from CD’s to money market funds. The City does have the right to them but have stated that all Health Department funds will go to the County. Karen McCulloh stated that she has the legal department working on this.
The on-going meetings with the County have been working on the transferring the Department to the County policies relating to salary, benefits, etc. An educational session with the staff will be held when the transfer is completed.
The City has removed the segments of the code that required the Board of Health to enforce the nuisance ordinance. Nuisances will now be addressed by the City staff. The Health Department and the County Counselor are completing a State Statute study to reaffirm the roles and requirements of the County Health Officer as well as the new County Board of Health.
Since Early Head Start has lost its funding, space is now available at the former Wharton Manor building. District #383 has requested space for their Infant/Toddler Developmental Services program. The lease for the building is ending so that new rental rates need to be developed. The Board approved renting the space to District #383.
Brady Burton, President of the Board, asked if there were any problems on the horizon which led to a discussion of the immunization clinics which will be held at each school registration which will be open 12 hours in order to encourage and help with required immunizations. Dr. Paul Hesse stated that there had been a case of Whooping Cough (pertussis) here. He also stated he had a great deal of concern about Meningitis.Dr. Derek Moser noted that there had been an increase in Rabies and that the present drought and heat was causing animals to enter town in search of water.
Next on the agenda was the question of how to handle the Administrator position. The Board went into executive session for 25 minutes to determine this. The decision was to continue, for the time being, the search for a new administrator rather than appoint an interim administrator.
Discussion of the Board’s future led to the indication that the present Board members would not be interested in remaining on as an Advisory Board only and would only serve if the Board continued to have “teeth”. Karen McCulloh, County Commissioner,
stated that she would consult with the County Councilor as to how to charter such a board.
Submitted by Sue Cohen, Observer
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