Mr. Lewis was absent.
Ms. Volante, Human Resources, asked Commissioners if part-time employees, who are not eligible for the county's health insurance plan, should be given flu shots at no charge. Commissioners said they felt all county employees should receive the shots.
Doug Messer, County Fire Department Asst. Director, said they had determined they could perform maintenance on fire tank and pump installation in-house at a great financial saving. Commissioners approved the plan 2-0.
Clancy Holeman, County Counsel/ Director of Admin. Services, showed Commissioners some amendments to the proposed form of the ballot initiative on continuation of the half-cent sales tax. Holeman and City Attorney Bill Frost are working together to come up with a proposal that will suit both the city and the county. Some items under discussion include benefits to the parts of the city outside Riley County, inclusion of debt reduction, distribution of benefits to other Riley County cities, and inclusion of a sunset provision.
A Wildcat Creek working group is discussing the formation of a drainage district or a watershed district. Laws on the subject are complicated, especially for watershed districts. Holeman suggested the need for a work session of the group be held with himself and Monty Wedel.
Johnette Shepek, Budget and Finance officer, gave a report on the Budget and Planning Committee for August for the CIP, County Building Fund, Economic Development Fund, and Half-cent Sales Tax Fund. In CIP, a number of projects were completed in August. Depending on the timing of bridge projects, no budget amendment will probably be needed. The projected year-end balance is over $1 million. The Building Fund has a balance of $393,000, which is enough to finish all projects. The Economic Development Fund had no activity in August, and the balance is $581,000 for the beginning of 2012. The Road and Bridge Half-cent Sales Tax Fund had an income of $128,764 in August, and an ending balance of just over $3 million will leave $1.1 million for the beginning of 2012 after completing current projects. These projected balances are estimates.
Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.
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