All of the Commissioners were present. In reorganization, Mr. Johnson was named chair.
Rich Vargo, County Clerk, gave year-to-date budget and expenditure reports for the end of 2011. With 100% of the year finished, the county is at 88.62% of its budgeted expenditures. No departments had budget violations. Only one department went very slightly over budget, but its funding is in the general fund; hence, no budget violation. Some encumbrances remained to be paid out of 2011 funds. The final report on 2011 will be given at the end of February.
Clancy Holeman, Administration Director, and Leon Hobson, Director of Public Works, presented the three options prepared by a consultant on handicapped parking requirements. Commissioners chose the option which lumps all five parking areas together into one "facility," making 81 places, which requires four accessible parking slots. Commissioners argued that a very large number of parking places in county lots are assigned to judges, commissioners, and county officials, and thus, are not available to the public anyway, reducing the number of available places.
Jennifer Wilson, Extension Director, said the Income Tax Assistance program will begin January 30 for the seventh year. Maximum household income for eligibility for this assistance is $50,000.
Gregg Eyestone, Extension Agent, said only young deciduous trees and perhaps a few evergreens need any water now. Early bulbs can take care of themselves.
Leon Hobson, Director of Public Works, updated Commissioners on projects. With only a few last details on Wildcat Creek Road for spring (road is open), all the previously selected sales tax projects are complete. With money left over, three other projects will be added. The finished projects have included 26 miles of overlay, 5 bridges, 5 culverts, and other improvements. There is still a lot of work, and things do keep crumbling.
Monty Wedel, Director of Planning/Special Projects, said the regulation amendments on agricultural usages are not formulated and ready for public presentation. The Planning Board will consider them on Jan. 19 in the City Commission meeting room. The public information meeting will be at the Kimball fire station on January 23, and another meeting will be Feb. 1 at Riley County High School. Wedel noted that the entire agricultural section of ordinances has been replaced.
Cheryl Collins, Director of the Riley County Historical Museum, said the Riley County Historical Society will hold its quarterly dinner meeting, Jan. 17, 6:30 p.m., at Zeandale Church. The program will be Melissa Kirkwood on "Discovering the Flint Hills Discovery Center."
Ms. McCulloh said Howie's will take household hazardous waste this Saturday, Jan. 14.
Leon Hobson updated Commissioners on further projects: Valleywood drainage, Konza Water, Health Dept. grounds, Courthouse window trim, and an electronic lock system for the county office building. Commissioners agreed by consensus to have Hobson proceed with proposals for the last two projects.
Cheryl Collins, Museum Director, suggested Randy Martin as a nominee for a vacant position on the Historical Society Board of Trustees. She described the work on providing off-street parking at the Wolf House. They have removed some trees and an old garage on the alley and will regrade and replant the area. This project is paid for by a bequest to the the Riley County Historical Society by Clarice Painter.
Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg
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