All Commissioners present.
After routine business, Clancy Holeman, Counselor, requested an executive session.
Jennifer Wilson, County Extension Director, requested the appointment of a member to the Fair Board, which was approved 3-0. She requested a resolution authorizing beer sales at the Kaw Valley Rodeo during the County Fair in CiCo Park. Last year's experiment worked out quite well. The Rodeo people have excellent security, and there were no "behavioral incidents." The Fair Board had requested a three-year permit, but in discussion and with the opinion of Counselor Holeman, they came to consensus that no time period should be mentioned in the resolution, but that they reserve the right to withdraw the permit at any time deemed desirable. At this point, no other entities besides the Rodeo would have beer sales permission. Holeman will bring a draft resolution for Commissioners' consideration.
Brad Schoen, RCPD Director, reminded Commissioners that RCPD's Awards Banquet is this Sunday. All Commissioners said they would be present. Schoen said the Citizens Academy has its first (10) session tonight for two hours. It is not too late to enroll. Smaller communities in Riley County are drawing up proposals for their law enforcement. Crime rates on "serious crimes," e.g. murder, rape, kidnapping, were down in 2011 by 5%. This follows the national trend. In the "Impact Zone" where they have used more concentrated enforcement, the rate is down 8%. Traffic enforcement is meant to reduce the number of accidents. They intend to focus more on the Bluemont Ave. corridor and tailor coverage on times of day, location and days of the week, paying particular attention to rush times. The construction on K-18 in the airport-Scenic Drive-Wildcat Creek area begins sometime in March. Schoen asked drivers to avoid the area if at all possible. People who live in the area will find alternate routes on Wildcat Creek, Eureka Drive, etc. Also, speeds will probably be about 30 miles per hour. Schoen also reported that the RCPD is working with the Aggieville Business Association and others to finalize plans for Fake Patty's Day (now renamed "Green Break").
Rod Meredith, Asst. Public Works/Parks Director, conducted a bid opening for traffic signs, reflective sheeting, aluminum sign blanks and accessories. There were seven bids, three of which did not bid on all items. Commissioners voted 3-0 to refer the bids to staff for study and recommendation.
Johnette Shepek, Budget and Finance Officer, presented a summary of 1/2-cent sales tax projects. Many of the projects are complete and under budget. All projects are expected to be finished this year. Projects included culverts, bridges, road reconstructions and asphalt overlays. Completed projects cost $6,899,153. Uncompleted projects have cost of $3,297,736. Cash balance for 2012 is $1,590,420. Estimated costs of unfinished projects are $1,092,474. Commissioners discussed ways of proceeding in the matter of a ballot question for November to continue the tax. They felt they needed to work hard to reach consensus with the city. Since the original question, passed by public vote, mentions that it must be resubmitted, Commissioners felt they should have an outside, unbiased, opinion on how the question should be submitted, which could help city and county to come together on wording, etc. They voted 3-0 to ask for an opinion from the Kansas Attorney General.
Pat Collins, Emergency Management Director, requested permission to renew maintenance contracts with two entities and permission to accept 10 portable radios from NE Regional Council. Funds for the two maintenance contracts are already included in the budget. Commissioners voted approval 3-0 on each of the three requests.
Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.
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