Rod Meredith, Asst. Dir. Public Works, introduced the consultant hired to produce the plans for the new playground at CiCo Park. He showed projections of structures and ground plans, which display a wide variety of different play areas, e.g. slides, swings, rock climbing areas, log and post play areas, a "zip" line, and sand play area. There are also picnic areas and a "farm" area. The plan has been approved by the Park Board. Commissioners approved the plan 3-0.
Capt. Rick Fink, RCPD, conducted a public hearing on the Edward Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) for the Riley County Police Dept. They plan to use it to update mobile radios so as to comply with FCC requirements for 2013. The grant is for $3,158. Commissioners approved 3-0 the purchase of radios to replace obsolete radios which cannot be upgraded.
Rod Harms, Wildcat Creek Watershed Council, introduced the "Save and slow the rain" project, with 400 rain-water collecting barrels for sale at $20 apiece. The use of these barrels by people in the watershed district would make a small dent in the flooding problems, but would help to raise consciousness of the problems and encourage people to use rainwater instead of treated potable water in their gardens. The educational segment of the project is meant for all area residents.
Cheryl Collins, Museum Director, invited the public to an Open House at the Wolf House Museum, 630 Fremont, Sunday, April 29th, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The open house will feature special demonstrations of 1880s life. She also introduced Barbara Poresky, 36-year employee of the Riley County Historical Museum, who is retiring. A retirement reception will be Friday, April 27th, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Historical Museum, with remarks at 3:30. The public is invited.
Dave Ball spoke about "Go Orange Day in Kansas." April 23-27 is National Work Zone Awareness Week. The focus is on safety of motorists and workmen in work zones. Distracted drivers cause an overwhelming proportion of work zone accidents, especially fatalities. Most are cell phone users, including hands-free models. It is not your hands, but your brain that is distracted. You can put your phone in trunk or glove box; change voicemail greeting to say you are driving, thus unavailable; turn the phone to "silent"; or pull off the road for urgent calls. Tell a driver you aren't comfortable riding when he/she is on the phone. Don't keep talking on the phone to someone who you learn is driving. Twenty-five percent of crashes involve cell phones, and texting increases the chance of a crash chance from 8 to 23 times more likely.
Eileen King, Treasurer, updated Commissioners on procedures for going live with new motor vehicle system. The Treasurer's office will NOT PROCESS ANY MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS from May 1 to May 7. They WILL BE OPEN FOR TAX PAYMENTS ONLY. (No driver's licenses either there or at regular driver's license location. Car tags for names beginning with C and D should be processed on line by April 26 or by mail by April 27 to receive tag before May 1. This information will be published in the Mercury, on KMAN, and at Fort Riley. State employees will work 24-hour days three days to accomplish the change-over.
Anne Smith, ATA bus, said they are looking for fluent speakers of Mandarin Chinese, Arabic and Spanish to complete work on their brochure for the fixed route bus service. The brochure will contain routes and schedules with times for each stop. They have been awarded grants in the amount of over $800,000 from the state. Geary County has agreed to match a grant intended for the purchase of a vehicle (which will be used for Geary County service). A ribbon cutting will occur at Bosco Plaza on Friday, and there will be free hot dogs and demonstration rides. For now, the system will work without signage.
Gary Rosewicz, Asst. County Engineer, presented bid openings for McDowell Creek bridge rehabilitation. There were three bids, plus an engineer's estimate. Bids referred (3-0) to staff for review and recommendation.
Clancy Holeman conducted an executive session.
Leon Hobson, County Engineer, and Rod Meredith, Asst. Public Works Director, presided at bid openings for University Park operator (one bid); Terra Heights sewer operator, (one bid); asphalt seal oil (4 bids); 3/8 inch limestone chips (2 bids); and BM-2 hot mix asphalt (2 bids). Each group of bids was submitted (3-0) to staff for review and recommendation.
Leon Hobson, Public Works Dir., proposed discussion of Julie Lane, but it was determined by questioning of Mr. Vanderstill, the concerned member of the public, that he would be bringing a lawyer to represent his interests. Mr. Holeman, County Counsel, opined that no discussion of the matter should take place absent a full complement of those concerned: County Commission, County Counsel, Mr. Vanderstill, and Mr. Vanderstill's lawyer.
Meeting adjourned. Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg
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