Friday, May 18, 2012

USD 383 Board of Education

May 16, 2012
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

The board held a special meeting ahead of the regular business meeting for the purpose of interviewing three candidates being considered for appointment to the board.  At the beginning of the business meeting, board members voted by ballot and unanimously selected Beth Tatarko to fill the board vacancy.  Tatarko had previously been elected to the school board and served 2005 to 2009.  Doug Messer, the board member who had resigned, was also introduced as the new Director of Transportation.

The board received a report on the district's safety and security program.  The school district had received a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Education in 2010 for the purpose of developing preparedness for emergencies.  Through the grant, the district has rewritten building emergency plans, engaged in vulnerability assessment training, and conducted school safety weeks in cooperation with area emergency management.

Board members had previously expressed an interest in having an independent audit done of the bond construction funds as the majority of the projects near completion.  The district's finance committee interviewed two accounting firms and recommended that Varney and Associates be hired to do the audit.  The board approved 5-0 to hire the firm to complete the audit.

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