Thursday, June 28, 2012

Riley County Commission June 28, 2012

Joan Strickler, observer

All Commissioners present, Johnson presiding.

In answer to concerns expressed by the Commissioners, Pat Collins, who is in charge of fire protection for the County, said there has been no effort to date to ban fireworks due to the dry, hot weather.

Commissioner Lewis said he had been approached by several accounting firms regarding the County’s annual audit plans.  Lewis suggested the Commission request bids from interested firms.  Commissioner McCulloh agreed and said it was her understanding they had made the decision to solicit such bids last year.

County Extension Director Jennifer Wilson reported on plans for the Riley County Fair to be held July 26-30 at the Riley County Fairgrounds.  In addition to the usual amusements and entertainment the Boy Scouts will sponsor their Pinewood Derby on Sunday, July 29 at 1:30 p.m.  Commissioner Lewis said he will try to arrange his schedule so he can participate in the judging of the Fresh Salsa Contest.

Information Technology Director Robert Nall reported on work his office is involved in updating and placing on the County website the Road Identification Map.  It was suggested he also look into the cost of having printed maps available for distribution.  Nall said he has two students from KSU’s GIS Department serving as interns in his office.  Commissioner McCulloh suggested he look into working with the University to develop work-study positions so student interns can be paid.  Nall also gave a demonstration of information that is now available on the Riley County Police Department website regarding crime types and the locations where they occurred in the County.

The Commissioners approved a $212,000 match for the Healthy Families Contract for the Health Department.

Budget and Finance Officer Johnette Shepek conducted a budget work session to assist in making funding decisions for the coming year.

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