Tuesday, September 18, 2012

County Commission Sept 17, 2012

County Commission Sept. 17
All Commissioners were present
Susan Kufahl, Riley County Health Department Director told the commission that work continues on upgrading the IT systems. She said she would be able to present more definite information in about a month. The object is to permit (with security) information communication.
She also said that 300 - 400 "flu" shots have been given. One case of flu has been reported. October 11 will be "Ocfluberfest" promoting inoculations for flu and TDAP.

Craig Cox, Assistant county Counselor, announced that there is a purchase contract for the property at 101 Noon St. in the Fairmont Park area. It has been a struggle to even find out who really owned the property with several entities having held the mortgage over time along with some mis-information. The Register of Deeds was lauded for helping to straighten things out.

Jennifer Wilson announced classes on "Medicare Basics" for those becoming eligible for Medicare or those caring for someone with medical issues. This free class will be Monday, Sept 24 6:30 - 8:30 in Junction City at the Public Library. Register with Debra Wood at dwood@ksu.edu or by calling 785-238-4161.
In Manhattan the class will be Tuesday, Oct. 2, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Pottorf Hall, CiCo Park. Register at www.riley.ksu.edu or by calling Sharon at 785-537-6350.

Julie Merklin, Observer

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