Sunday, March 17, 2013

USD 383 Board of Education

March 6, 2013
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

Dr. Bob Seymour, Assoc. Superintendent, reported on the results of the "second military count date," which refers to the process that allows districts impacted by military bases to receive additional funding for students with a military connection who move to the district after the fall count date.  Enrollment had increased by 82 military-connected students.

The board discussed time and schedule recommendations for the elementary level.  Board members expressed support for the option (Plan A) that would have provided the most minutes of individual planning time and collaboration time but were concerned about budgetary unknowns, especially in regards to state funding.  The board approved Plan B, which was similar to Plan A with the exception of not providing weekly collaboration time, and the motion included the goal of working toward implementing Plan A for the 2014-15 school year.  The vote was 5-1, with Walt Pesaresi dissenting because he wanted to see Plan A implemented for 2013-14.  The addition to planning time will involve needing to hire additional teachers, and the board did not decide how the additional teachers would be paid for.

The board also approved for the high school level plans to use professional learning time for collaboration among teachers in the same academic areas and to explore a modified block schedule.

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