Joan Strickler, observer
Lewis, Wells and Boyd present, Lewis presiding.
There was
some discussion of problems in having afternoon sessions of the Commission
since many times there are other afternoon meeting commitments scheduled
relating to Commission business.
A Riley County Police Department report was
given by Captain Kurt Moldrup. While in
the past the Department has emphasized “operation impact”, focusing attention
more heavily on certain high crime areas of the community, the Department has
now initiated a new “laser point” initiative.
The new effort allows officers to focus heavily on hot spots with
varying degrees of frequency rather than simply maintaining an ongoing heavy
presence in one area. While the crime
rate in Manhattan has dropped 6% overall, the new initiative has brought about
an 18.4% lowering of crime in designated zones.
reports are given to officers to measure progress. The most recent past week is compared to that
week one year ago. In addition to crime
rates going down accident rates have been reduced as well. Commissioner Lewis asked that the Department
include information for all of the County as well as just the Manhattan area in
the next report.
Lori Bishop
discussed the work of the RSVP volunteers in the County. RSVP services offered range from helping to
keep people in their own homes rather than nursing facilities, to tutoring
children and providing cookies to service men and women at Ft. Riley.
Counselor Clancy Holeman referred to recently passed legislation relaxing
restrictions on where persons may carry guns.
The measure apparently requires that entities wanting to keep such
restrictions develop security plans. Commissioners expressed concern in particular for
safety in the courts as well as agencies providing community supervision of
persons on parole. It was agreed to
bring in the judges and related professionals to discuss the issue sometime in
agreed to install a stop sign at Sherman and County Rd.
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