Thursday, July 25, 2013

Riley County Commission

Joan Strickler, observer

Riley County Commission July 25, 2013

Commissioners Lewis, Wells and Boyd present, Lewis presiding.

The Riley County 4-H King and Queen presented Commissioners with the 4-H cookie jar.  The Fair begins officially today with a parade in Aggieville.

Commissioners mentioned receiving calls from some constituents unhappy with the possible creation of a public building commission.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman said it was time to set dates for inviting the County’s  legislative delegation to meet with the Commission.  He suggested looking at the dates of October 17 or 24.   Commissioner Lewis said his preference would be for the 24th but he could make the 17th if necessary.

The Manhattan/Riley County League of Women Voters have invited the Commissioners to meet with the League.  While Commissioner Lewis will be unable to attend he noted that when two or three Commissioners agree to attend such a meeting the County Clerk must also be present to comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act.  Since there are only three Commissioners, two automatically form a majority and can conduct business.

A lengthy review of proposed design standards pertaining to sub division road construction was presented by Public Works Director/County Engineer Leon Hobson.




Monday, July 22, 2013

Riley County Commission July 22, 2013

 Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Lewis and Wells present, Lewis presiding.

Several persons expressed concern about the Commission’s considering the creation of a public building commission.  They felt it would be a way to avoid a public vote on raising taxes.  The Commissioners said the building commission is a method used by many public bodies and does have provisions for public input.  Meetings will be held to inform people and to seek input prior to any action being taken.

Jennifer Wilson, county extension director, described plans for the Riley County Fair which begins with a parade in Aggieville at 6:00 p.m. on July 25.

Budget Director Johnetta Shepek said she is preparing the final form of the 2014 budget with final adoption proposed later in August.  The budget projects a 37.345 mil levy, an increase over the current budget.  The Health Department was brought under the County when the City pulled out of its responsibility and much of the increase is needed for operating the program.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman made his suggestions for recommendations to take to the Kansas Association of Counties for their legislative platform.  He suggested opposing the measure to exempt machinery and fixtures from taxes as well as an anti-lobbying bill that would severely restrict public access to legislators.  He also recommended that SB 181, pertaining to lowering or exempting the taxing of motor vehicles, be opposed.  The Commissioners agreed.

Brenda Nickel, director of the Riley County Health Department, presented proposed changes for the agency’s letterhead.  Some changes were required to assure the official Riley County logo remain consistent with all other County entities.
Holeman then reviewed a draft of policies to deal with the concealed carry law passed by the Legislature.  They would be in effect until decisions were made on which buildings the County intends to invoke the four year exemption permitted under the law.  He said insurance companies appear to be taking a wait and see attitude pertaining to concealed carry.  While

Thursday, July 18, 2013

County Commission July 15, 2013

During Public Comment Joe Knopp expressed extreme displeasure with the proposed Riley County Public Building Commission.  He directed his comments particularly at commissioners Wells and Boyd who he said did not live up to the conservative values they endorsed when they ran for office.  This happened before the press arrived to cover the meeting.  There was time scheduled for this item later in the meeting but Knopp was on his way out of town. 

The Board approved their budget for 2014 as amended.  The levy will be increased by 1.949 mils.  All departments have been asked to cut their budgets as much as they could.  The budget will be submitted for publication August 5.

During the press conference Jennifer Wilson gave out information on the Riley county fair which will begin July 25 with early events from the 18 through 24 including the 4H bake sale from 4 to 7:30 on the 24th. Greg McClure announced the 4H project auction.

The Public Building commission was presented with several people talking against it.  The general feeling was that any public building project should be presented for a vote of the people.  People also expressed the difficulty of being at the BOCC meetings since they are held in the daytime.  They also felt that it was difficult to find out information on items being brought before the BOCC.  The commissioners directed them to the county website for this information.
The commissioners tried to explain the advantages to the County of having a PBC but more detailed information seems to be needed to alleviate the impression that it is just a way to avoid having to bring projects to a vote of the people, despite the opportunity to have a protest petition and then a vote, if needed. 
Julie Merklin, observer

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

USD 383 Board of Education

July 3, 2013
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

New board members Aaron Eastabrook, Pat Hudgins, and Marcia Rozell joined the board.  Curt Herrman was elected president, and Leah Fliter was elected vice president.

The board was presented with a report on Title I funding.  As a result of sequestration, Title I funds have been reduced by 11%.  Title I funding has historically fluctuated from year to year, and Title I regulations have allowed districts to save up to 15% of funds to carryover to the next year to help to stabilize services provided.  The school district has been participating in the carryover option, which will help to offset the cuts for the upcoming school year.

USD 383 Board of Education

June 26, 2013
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

The board held a preliminary discussion of the 2013-14 budget.  Lew Faust, budget director, reported that state per pupil funding for 2014 will be $3,838 and is expected to be flat for the next two years.  The district will be losing additional funding it had received as new facility weighting, which had resulted from the bond improvement projects.  Mr. Faust also projected a decrease in funds coming from local and state tax revenue.  Added to the loss of new facility weighting, the decrease in available funds totaled approximately $457,000.  The board had previously approved new staff positions in order to provide additional elementary planning time, as well as other staffing additions, which amounted to an increase of $346,000 needed for staff.  The board was also presented with a list of budget requests totaling $169,000, plus an increase in salaries and wages of 1%, totaling $354,000.  In total, an additional $1.3 million will be needed if all budget needs and requests are met.  

Friday, July 5, 2013

Riley County Health Department Advisory Council Meeting

Riley County Health Department Advisory Council
    The Council met June 26th, 2013 with the new Administrator of the Health Department, Brenda Nichols.  Ginny Barnard, Chair of the Council spoke for the members of the Council in welcoming Ms. Nichols and of the feeling of relief that the Health Department now has leadership again.
    Ms. Nichols spoke of her excitement and of the good feelings she has encountered as she took over the job of administrator and her delight at the great number of excellent programs the Health Department has and is performing.  She complimented the Council on their hard work in helping with the budget and particularly Johnette Shepek on her presentation and defense of the Health Department before the County Commission on budget issues.
    Ginny Barnard welcomed Adam Bowen as a member of the Council.  Dr. Bowen is a dentist with the Konza Prairie Community Dental Center, the satellite dental clinic housed in
the Riley County Health Department. The Konza Prairie Community Health and Dental Center is in Junction City and is a Federally Qualified Health Care Center partially funded by the Federal Government as well as by patient fees and by grants of various kinds dealing with total health care particularly for those underserved citizens but which serves all who come.
    The Riley County Health Council has been scrutinizing the possibility of discontinuing the Primary Care Clinic in the Health Department. The clinic was started a number of years ago when there were no other clinics serving the county population in need of health care. The clinic is serving a declining number of patients during the last few year.  Dr. Paul Hesse, a Council member and the Public Health Officer at Fort Riley and long time member of the former Health Department Board, has suggested that a better arrangement might be to further associate with the Federally Qualified Konza Health Center in Junction City.
    The rest of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of the
Junction City Clinic with it’s CEO and Finance Manager. The Clinic has received a large Federal grant to expand the territory that it serves and is planning new construction with “state of the art” medical facilities all in one building. Thus this is an excellent time to be considering partnership with the Junction City Clinic.  The web site for the Center contains all the information discussed by the council and for those interested could be a good way to learn more about the Clinic. The next meeting will be July 24th at 4 PM at the Health Department.

               Submitted by  Sue Cohen