Monday, July 22, 2013

Riley County Commission July 22, 2013

 Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Lewis and Wells present, Lewis presiding.

Several persons expressed concern about the Commission’s considering the creation of a public building commission.  They felt it would be a way to avoid a public vote on raising taxes.  The Commissioners said the building commission is a method used by many public bodies and does have provisions for public input.  Meetings will be held to inform people and to seek input prior to any action being taken.

Jennifer Wilson, county extension director, described plans for the Riley County Fair which begins with a parade in Aggieville at 6:00 p.m. on July 25.

Budget Director Johnetta Shepek said she is preparing the final form of the 2014 budget with final adoption proposed later in August.  The budget projects a 37.345 mil levy, an increase over the current budget.  The Health Department was brought under the County when the City pulled out of its responsibility and much of the increase is needed for operating the program.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman made his suggestions for recommendations to take to the Kansas Association of Counties for their legislative platform.  He suggested opposing the measure to exempt machinery and fixtures from taxes as well as an anti-lobbying bill that would severely restrict public access to legislators.  He also recommended that SB 181, pertaining to lowering or exempting the taxing of motor vehicles, be opposed.  The Commissioners agreed.

Brenda Nickel, director of the Riley County Health Department, presented proposed changes for the agency’s letterhead.  Some changes were required to assure the official Riley County logo remain consistent with all other County entities.
Holeman then reviewed a draft of policies to deal with the concealed carry law passed by the Legislature.  They would be in effect until decisions were made on which buildings the County intends to invoke the four year exemption permitted under the law.  He said insurance companies appear to be taking a wait and see attitude pertaining to concealed carry.  While

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