Monday, September 23, 2013

Riley County Commission September 23, 2013

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Wells and Lewis present, Lewis presiding.
Commissioner Lewis said he would like to set a time for a work session to review the employee leave policy.
A  Plaza reservation request from the Riley County Domestic Violence Task Force was approved.
Assistant County Counselor Craig Cox presented information on a right-of-way issue on Brighton Road.  A 30 foot wide area that, in the past, was designated a right-of-way has been maintained by the neighboring property owners who also paid taxes on the lot in the belief it belonged to them.  Cox recommends the issue be taken to the Court for a quit title action in favor of those property owners.
In another situation regarding property up for a tax auction, Cox recommended the County seek to purchase a property to protect another road right-of-way.
The cost of flood insurance in the Wildcat Creek flooding area will be discussed at a meeting scheduled for September 25, at 7:00 p.m., at Manhattan’s City Building on Poyntz.  Informational maps will be available and knowledgeable consultants will assist with questions.
On September 26, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Dr. Roberta Riportella, Kansas Health Foundation Professor of Community Health at KSU, will address the topic, “How will the Affordable Care Act Affect You?”  The presentation will be given at the Fire Station Training Room on Denison Avenue.
On Tuesday, October 1, Jennifer Wilson, Riley County Extension Director, will conduct a workshop on what people may expect as they turn 65 and move into the Medicare health insurance program.  The workshop will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Pottorf Hall in CiCo Park.
A series of workshops on Community Board Leadership sponsored by K-State Research and Extension will be held October 8, 9, 15 and 16.  The series is designed to help persons serving on boards to be effective and efficient with their responsibilities.  The cost is $40 for four sessions.  For further information contact Jennifer Wilson, 785-537-6350 or email
County Counselor Clancy Holeman said Judge Wilson is scheduled to meet with the Commissioners on November 14th

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