Monday, December 23, 2013

Riley County Commission December 23, 2013

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Lewis, Boyd and Wells present, Lewis presiding.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman reported the attorneys on the indigent defense panel have agreed to a 1.5% cola increase in the coming year.  For special cases demanding extensive hours of work the attorneys will be paid an eighty dollar an hour rate.  The Commissioners agreed to the contract.

Officer Matthew Droge discussed holiday safety issues.  He noted 80% of vehicle robberies involve unlocked cars.  He cautioned against leaving  boxes out on curbs that would advertise the arrival of new television or other expensive appliances in the house and suggested writing down serial numbers of valuables.

Robert Nall, IT/GIS director, made a recommendation for the County to contract with a company that offers oblique aerial photography for the 2014 aerial property survey.  Oblique photography allows all four sides of a property to be viewed and gives one the ability to determine the width and height of that property.  Oblique photography will be a particularly effective tool in assessing the value of property in the County.

The company contracted to develop the 2013 aerial assessment has experienced extensive delays and has yet to provide its report.  Commissioners encouraged staff to negotiate down any final payment to the company due to the delays. 

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