Thursday, February 27, 2014

Riley County Commission February 27, 2014

Joan Strickler, observer

Riley County Commission February 27, 2014
Commissioners Boyd, Wells and Lewis present, Boyd presiding.
During the public comment period one person complained that Individuals from Riley County are charged more as non-residents to use the landfills in surrounding counties but non-Riley residents are charged the same price as local residents if they use the landfill in Riley.  He proposed Riley lower the rate for County residents.   The Commissioners agreed to give the issue further consideration.
County Attorney Barry Wilkerson expressed frustration in trying to anticipate the effect possible legislative changes now being discussed in the Kansas legislature might have on his office.  In response to questions about the impact Fake St. Patty’s Day might have on his staff, Wilkerson said most problems are handled by the City.  Any serious issues stemming from participants extensive alcohol consumption that his office deals with most likely involve domestic violence and sexual assault.
The Commissioners engaged in a general discussion concerning frustrations Kansas counties are experiencing in dealing with the current state legislative session.  It often appears legislators minds are made up before hearings where testimony is heard.   Some county officials in Kansas seem frustrated in finding ways to get the attention of their legislators about possible adverse effects of bills proposed.
Robert Nall, information technology GIS director, said the 2014 GIS aerial photography project is on hold until the vendor can perform the flights.  That should occur in the next 30 to 45 days.  The GIS website now reflects the change of property values from 2013 to 2014.

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