Thursday, April 24, 2014

Riley County Commission April 24, 2014

Joan Strickler, observer

County Treasurer Eileen King asked for clarification regarding access to her office for use of the postage machine.  All departments in the County use the postage machine located in the Treasurer’s office.   ATA had previously been housed in the County building but has since moved into its new facility.  Personnel do, however, continue to have access cards to use the postage machine.  The Commissioners agreed to allow ATA to use the postage machine but to provide only one access card for that agency’s use. Commissioners Wells, Lewis and Boyd present, Boyd presiding.

Commissioners discussed the process for filling the position of IT Director following the resignation of Robert Nall.

County Attorney Barry Wilkerson said his office is looking into the advisability of initiating a grand jury system.  In situations involving felony offences with three or four defendants, the grand jury can establish probable cause with one trial instead of the three or four trials needed if each defendant is tried separately.

Commissioners signed a letter to members of the Riley County Legislative Delegation opposing passage of SB 298, repeal of the Mortgage Registration Fee.  Repeal of the fee would result in the need for property tax increases at local levels.  

County Extension Director Jennifer Wilson reported the volunteer income tax preparation program experienced a 2% increase over last year in handling 462 returns.  This resulted in approximately $700,000 in refunds to persons requesting the help.  She noted a number of the volunteers assisting in the program are K-State students majoring in accounting.  The program provides assistance to the low income persons and experience for the students.  Many of those assisted with tax returns were K-State students. 

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