Thursday, June 26, 2014

Riley County Commission June 26, 2014

Joan Strickler, observer

Riley County Commission June 26, 2014

Commissioners Wells and Lewis present, Wells presiding.  Commissioner Boyd was absent.
The Riley County employees are conducting a food drive to help families needing food assistance over the summer months.

Dawn Shoffner, Interim IT/GIS Director/Assistant Technology Director said the loss of a GIS technician has caused delays in implementing the geographic information system.  Imagery, however, has been received and is now being processed in house.  Businesses that use the site regularly are providing feedback prior to going live with the system.

Clancy Holeman, Counselor/Director of Administrative Services reviewed the provisions of H.B. 2578, the “Open Carry” bill passed this last session in the Kansas Legislature.  The law becomes effective this July 1. Holeman said concealed carry currently is prohibited for both the public and employees in only three County owned buildings:  the Riley County Courthouse, the Carnegie Building, and Pawnee Mental Health.

According to Holeman the Commission may simply leave the existing “concealed carry” signage in place for those three buildings.  Currently only five additional County buildings have concealed carry prohibitions.  An additional 39 buildings have no such signage.  Commissioners would, however, have the option of placing signs prohibiting “open carry” on buildings other than the three listed.
Violations of the law are not criminal offenses.  Lesser charges, such as trespassing, might be filed.

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