Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Message from our Co-President, Jean Lee

Letter to the League of Women Voters of Manhattan/Riley County:

Your opinion is needed.  We want you to be informed about League events and issues so that you will make your voice heard. 

What is the most effective way to do this in the 21st century?  We want you to have information as soon as it becomes available.  We want it to be easy for you to find information about League meetings, events, statements of position, League policies, and our membership.

The League newsletter has always been our avenue for informing the membership of League local, state, and national news, study materials, and calendar, published monthly and mailed to the membership.  Recently, we have published the Voter on line for those with computers, and have mailed copies to those who did not have email.  We have been notifying members of events by email.

We are trying a new approach, and hope that it works for you.  Our calendar, news articles, study materials, along with pictures and other pertinent information will be available to our membership on our website and blog. We will continue to send out reminders via email about upcoming events.

Have you visited our website recently?  It is new, updated, easy to access, use

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