Commissioner Johnson presided, Kearns present. Commissioner McCulloh was absent.
It was mentioned that Jolene Campbell has announced her retirement. Her position is considered critical since she handles the process of conducting elections.
County Attorney Barry Wilkinson said he is working on a best practices manual for prosecuting domestic violence cases. The manual will be made available for statewide use.
Robert Nall, information technology director, reported power surges following power outages have the potential of causing a major shutdown of the county’s IT system. He expressed the need for development of a design plan and purchase of a generator powerful enough to protect the system. Also discussed was the need for critical employees to have remote access to the system during emergencies. Commissioner Kearns suggested scheduling a work session with department heads and key employees to brainstorm the needs and develop plans for such emergencies. Commissioner Kearns also mentioned the importance of making it possible for visually impaired persons to access the county website information through the addition of new sound technology for computers.
An update was given on the activities of a steering committee looking at the creation of a Regional Planning Organization. Topics under discussion include organizational structure, by laws, member organization agreements, budget and staffing considerations. The committee hopes to have a draft proposal ready for review and discussion next month. Ft. Riley officials see such an organization as providing a single point of contact to get a regional response to any issues affecting the area.