Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hilary Esry, Observer
The primary focus of the meeting centered on discussions of influenza, especially the H1N1 strain of swine flu. Seasonal Flu vaccines are beginning to arrive and will be distributed beginning in September. The H1N1 Flu vaccine is expected to arrive in mid-October. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) continues to revise the priority groups for this vaccine. Pregnant Women and young children remain the highest priority. The Health Department plans to administer H1N1 vaccinations through the schools for children through high-school age. The Board voted to provide the H1N1 vaccine free to children through high school. Recipients above high school age will be charged a total of $28 for the two vaccines received three weeks apart. The goal will be to get the vaccine to the right priority group at the right time and to manage incidences of infection in such a way that local services, e.g. physicians and hospitals, are not overwhelmed.
A recent letter from KDHE to physicians announced that effective August 10th, KDHE suspended testing for the H1N1 virus on an individual case basis and will monitor the spread of the virus based on physician reports of flu symptoms. KDHE estimates that there have been 10,000 cases of H1N1 flu in Kansas so far, resulting in 23 persons hospitalized and one death. The average age of infected persons is 17 years. KDHE is strongly discouraging the use of anti-viral drugs in persons with only mild symptoms or healthy persons exposed to the virus to prevent viral adaptation to the drugs and maintain a store of anti-virals for the people who need it most. Persons who come down with any flu are advised to remain home until 24 hours after their fever subsides without the influence of anti-pyretics.
Other items of discussion included funding via the interlocal agreement, quarantine and isolation procedures in the event of an epidemic or pandemic, child care scholarships, and the grand opening of the Konza Dental Clinic.
A report of the audit of the 2008 financial records found the records in good standing with no instances of fraud.
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