All Commissioners present.
Rich Vargo presented year-to-date Budget and Expense report. He pointed out areas Commissioners need to keep an eye on. It was remarked that Medicaid rates have saved the County $110,000 this year on services for jail inmates. Prescription and hospital expenses for inmates are worrisome.
Military Affairs Committee presented a certificate of apreciation to the Riley County Fair Board for their efforts at including soldiers and their families in Fair and Rodeo activities. Over 1100 soldiers and family attended these activities.
Brian McNulty, Corps of Engineers, reported that the Dam stabilization project is on schedule, with certain parts of the project up to 90% complete and other parts making progress. Stimulus money is being used for upstream projects. The "Dam Break" warning system will be decommissioned by spring.
Dalton Henry, KSU Student Body President, said classes begin Aug. 24. The parking garage will have 3 floors completed by then. Enrollment seems to be healthy. Two new buildings, several new programs for student welfare.
The Master Gardener program will have fall garden sessions at Pottorff Hall on Aug 27, 6-8:00 p.m., Gregg Eyestone announced. Training for new Master Gardener applicants will be Sept 4 to Nov 6.
County Extension reported on the swine flu case, an 11-year-old boy. His illness was NOT H1N1, but a common pig flu, H3N2, which is very rare in humans, contracted only by very close contact with a pig.
Leon Hobswon updated Commisioners on projects that will cause closures or delays on County roads. W 69th will be closed today for 2 weeks. Note that fire trucks will have to go around by another route. Barnes Road, Mill Cove Drive and Harbor Hills Drive will have 1 to 2 day 1-lane conditions. There will be delays.
Mr. Kearns announced that next Monday, Aug 17, they will conduct a public discussion to consider the speed limit on K-18 between Manhattan and Ogden. Commissioners are considering requesting KDOT lower speed limit to 55 mph.
Hobson updated Commissioners on other projects in the County.
After an Executive Session, Commissioners unanimously voted to act on the executive session information and agreed to an award.
Clancy Holeman conducted a work session on HB 2169, to do with encroachment on Military Reservation. City of Riley, and Ft. Riley were represented. Consensus was reached by Commissioners that they were content with the document that had been produced by a "working group" for presentation to our Legislators, but that several minor changes that had been proposed were also reasonably acceptable.
Adjourned. Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.
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