Monday, December 14, 2009
Riley County Commission mtg 12-14-09
Battery died, blog lost. Start again. MrJohnson absent. GIS is working on maps for ATA to be used in applications for funding.Rod Meredith reported on ice and snow clearance. Total cost including overtime, fuel, and salt purchases, $60-70,000.SusanneKufahl, Health Dept, says vaccine for H1N1 is now available to all. They gave 17,000 shots in 7 weeks. Cheryl Collins said the Museum is now on Facebook ( Police Sgt Schuck gave tips on winter driving: slow down, use seat belts, don't drink and drive, do not use cruise control on ice, increase following distance, prepare your car (full tank, good wiper blades,charged cell phone), move to left lane to pass emergency and stopped vehicles on shoulder. Rich Vargo announced that hunting licenses can now be purchased on line. Riley County employees attended Midwest Election Officials Conference. They exchanged information with other counties, e.g. electronic poll books in Butler County. Many changes in election procedures are coming, such as all mail-in ballots. The 5-year contractswith much voting equipment are expiring, and a leap in expense is expected. Leon Hobbs gave an update on County projects. The City is planning to correct the flooding problem on Tecumseh Road: an impoundment structure will be placed on land belonging to Riley County, on Health Dept land. After a 5-minute executiver session, Clancy Holeman updated Commissioners on changes to bylaws for regionalplanning board and other matters.Cheryl Collins reported that the Museum is working its way through State programs and training on the way to beginning the process of becoming Nationally certified.She said that three of their trustees are retiring, and presented the names of potention replacements with her recommendation. Staff will check District residence requirement and then act on appointment. Monty Wedel introduced representatives of the consulting firm Clarion Associates, who will work on land use, subdivision regulations, etc. The consultants said they have a large number of "tools" for such purposes. Rich Vargo announced that the Direct Deposit Policy and Paperless/Secure Pay Stub Access has been approved, and the software is almost ready. It is more efficient than previous payment methods. Paper checks may still be requested by County employees. Approved 2-0.Eileen King requested that her department be allowed to make an exception to Leave Policy. Two of the employees who did not work on Wed, Dec 9 did not have enough leave because they are new, and would have had to do without pay for the day. Ms.King said since the State was closed, customers who came in could not be served. She assumed Mr. Johnson would approve her closing the Treasurer's office, but Mr. Johnson did not return her call, so technically she felt she had to act on her own. Mr. Kearns said she should have called him.Another employee volunteered to give two days of her accumulated leave to the two employees. Ms. Volenti, Personnel, said this is against the policies of the county. Mr. Kearns and Ms Mccullogh agreed.After extensive discussion, commissioners decided to break policy and allow the trade of leave so the two employees could be paid. Mr. Kearns emphasised that he would not EVER approve such a thing again. No Prececent. submitted by Lyndal Nyberg
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