Mr Johnson absent. Jennifer Wilson, Co Extension Director, asked approval for Economy Electric to do repair of breaker at Casement Hall, CiCo Park, even though their bid was higher than is nominally allowed for such work. Approved 2-0. She said a retiringstaff member will not be replaced immediately, to savethe County money. They will hire a part-time student and redis-tribute the workload. They will hire a nutrition assistant for the Food and Nutrition program. which is funded entirely by Federal grant. The grant will also buy the assisant a computer. Riley County came in second nationally in the Energy Star program. We were first last year. A county in Virginia was first this year, so we do not get the $5000 award.
Rod Meredith showed picutres of the sand-salt trucks that are deteriorating to a dangerous extent. Each of 3 trucks has 300,000 miles. On at least one, the rust is so bad that it is in danger of collapsing the frame. This could be disastrous for the driver and possible the public. The worst truck has been in service for 12 years. They have money in their budget to replace the truck and a deteriorated snow plow which is probably 25 to 30 years old. The cost is approximately $150,000. Meredith said they can probably get some money out of the old truck anc ploy, since the engine is still relatively sound. Other government entities have expressed interest. Since it may take up to 6 months for a new truck to arrive, the consensus was to act as quickly as possible. Commissioners authorized requests for sealed bids, 2-0.
Debbie Regester, Register of Deeds, reported YTD revenue throuth Dec 14. The number of pages is up, but revenue is down. Including Tech Fund, total revenue is $1,047,000. Her department received 121 applications for a job opening. They have narrowed to 8, all excellent, and will decide who to hire next week. Job begins after Jan 1.
Clancy Holeman conducted Exec Session. An attorney from Counselors ofice explained the ob-jections Day Care providers had to City proposal to institute inspections, and explained how the city and Health Dept answered the objections. The County will begin to process regulations for the Day Care providers of Riley County which are outside Manhattan City. They will hold an early public meeting.
Pat Collins, Emergency Management Director, asked permission to dispose of used Self-Contained Breathing Appratus(es). They replaced 40 this month, at $350 per unit. Some people in surrounding Counties are willing to upgrade their own units with the ones Riley is replacing. The RC police Dept wants 10 of them, for instance. Other entities may pay as much as $250 per unit.Commissioners recessed as County Commission and then constituted themselves as the Rural Fire District Board, approved sale of the old SCBAs for best availaable price, 2-0, then recessed as RFDB an reconstituted as RCC. (This procedure is all legal).
Brad Schoen. RCPD Director, said they have just completed the on-site accreditation update inspection with flying colors. Both instpectors complimented the RCPD on their achievement. Only 3 standards out of over 500 needed adjustment. They will be awarded their certificate in March at National center in Texas.He said they have just completed a study of the economic aspects of Consolidation compared to other counties that have both Police Dept and Sheriff. The Riley County costs are very favorable, second in State for efficiency.
Leon Hobbes asked advice on nominees for Road and Bridge Advisory Board and Hunters Island Board.
Board again went into Executive Session. Agenda finished. submitted by Lyndal Nyberg
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