Monday, March 26, 2012

Riley County Commission March 26, 2012

Joan Strickler, observer

All Commissioners present, Johnson presiding.

County Treasurer Eileen King said a statewide check of Kansas’ new computerized system for driver’s licenses and motor vehicle registrations will be conducted on April 5. The test is to determine the system’s ability to deal with the volume of end of the month reporting requirements. April 30th is scheduled to be the last day the current operating system will be in use. From May 1-6 the statewide conversion of all records will occur. During this period no motor vehicle or driver’s license business will be conducted in the Treasurer’s office. The office will, however, be open for tax payments.

Doug Messer, with the Riley County Fire Department, said he expects to see a lot of burning this week due to a more compressed burning season. As of April 1, no burning will be allowed except for range management. Only 20 acres or more will be allowed a permit to burn during that period. Other burning may resume May 1. Due to new air quality control requirements for the Flint Hills area, the Fire Department will submit its report on the burning season to the Kansas Forest Service who, in turn, will report to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Commissioners discussed ways to structure a public hearing to be held Thursday morning March 28, concerning a Prairie Woods Retreat rezoning request. A protest petition has been filed against the rezoning.

Public Works Director Leon Hobson asked the Commissioners if they wished to review a previous decision to do away with taxi coupons for low income people. The original decision was made due to lack of requests for the coupons. Apparently one new request was received recently from someone who preferred the coupons to using the aTa system now in place. It was generally agreed to not provide the coupons since the aTa system is supported by the county and appears to be working well.

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