March 7, 2012
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer
As the district nears the end of the construction projects, the board approved a request for proposals for an audit of the bond project funds. The board approved awarding the construction bid for the project at MHS East Campus to Ferrell Construction. The board also approved several technology bids for network storage, network hardware, classroom projectors, and the purchase of desktops, laptops, and carts.
The board discussed at length the district's transfer policy for the 2012-13 school year in light of the redistricting plan shifting students to different schools. Board members had previously agreed to allow 7th graders to stay at their current middle schools for 8th grade because the number of students affected is small. Administration recommended not allowing redistricted elementary students to request transfers, with the intention that denying transfers would encourage students to attend their new schools and allow the redistricting plan to work. Pete Paukstelis and Doug Messer disagreed with the recommendation and thought that redistricted students should have the opportunity to request transfers the same as any other student. Leah Fliter and Walt Pesaresi agreed with administration's recommendation to deny transfers for redistricted students so the redistricting plan will work. Other board members were concerned that the transfer policy for redistricted students didn't seem to allow employees to bring their children to the school where they work and didn't allow for other special circumstances. The board directed administration to develop a policy for redistricted students that will allow for special circumstances and will allow children of employees to attend the school where their parents work.
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