Joan Strickler, observer
Wells, Boyd and Lewis present, Lewis presiding.
Bishop, Extension Associate in Agricultural Economics, presented her findings
in a report comparing county revenues and expenditures in 13 Kansas counties
generally comparable to Riley. In
summarizing her report Bishop found that, of the 13 counties in the study,
Riley had the lowest per capita expenditures and revenues in 2011, the year
studied. Riley spent slightly less than
the 13 county average on road and bridge expenditures. Riley spent the least among its peers on
public safety due to the consolidation of County and City law enforcement.
Of all the
counties studied, Riley had the lowest property tax revenues per capita in
2011. She credits the County’s low mill
levy and assessed valuation most likely in explaining that result.
Nickel, Director of the Health Department, described her department’s Raising
Riley Right program focused on children’s early learning activities. The program is funded with dollars made
available through the tobacco settlement.
The department has the funds, but needs permission to fill the
additional position required. The permission
was granted.
Counselor Clancy Holeman held a work session on requirements of Kansas’ Open
Meetings Act. While the Act itself is
relatively brief, numerous decisions from the Attorney General’s office must be
taken into consideration in determining how the Act applies. It does not just apply to formal
meetings. It applies any time a majority
of the governing body discusses business.
When the majority of the body engages in communications while together,
over the phone, through email or even on Facebook, a violation can occur. If the purpose is to “subvert the Act” by
avoiding an open meeting, a violation has occurred. This would include using an intermediary
person to carry messages from one to another.
The only
notice requirements of the Act pertain to persons who request the
information. No actual requirement
exists for the giving of public notice.
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