Monday, August 26, 2013

Riley County Commission August 26, 2013

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Wells, Boyd and Lewis present, Lewis presiding.

There was discussion of how the courts in Kansas are addressing the concealed carry legislation.

According to Counselor Clancy Holeman, it appears the courts are all over the map on how to deal with the new law.  A judge has the power to ban weapons from his or her courtroom, however a bailiff might be needed to enforce the ban.  It’s unlikely that the State will fund such requests for additional personnel.

Budget Director Johnette Shepek reviewed the financial status of the County to date.  She mentioned that interest rates for borrowing are rising but still relatively low.  Riley County has a AA rating.  When she inquired about obtaining a AAA rating she found that demographics beyond what the County controls enter into the rating.  For instance not only the County’s level of debt is considered but also that of the City.  Additionally such things as income levels of County residents come into play.

Human Resource Manager Cindy Volanti described plans for the County employees Columbus Day Training on October 14.  All County offices will be closed on that day.

Riley County Museum Director Cheryl Collins Invited interested persons to attend a brown bag lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m. on September 5 at the Museum.  Artist Tom Parrish will discuss Flint Hills root cellars.

Commissioners signed a proclamation declaring September 2013 as Mental Health Recovery Month.



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