Thursday, December 27, 2012

Riley County Commission Dec. 27, 2012

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Lewis and McCulloh present, Lewis presiding.

The Commissioners returned to the meeting room at 9:00 am after executive sessions regarding department head evaluations. County Counselor Clancy Holeman discussed provisions of a draft agreement to form a Metropolitan Planning Organization for cooperative transportation planning.  He said there may be a proposal to add some cash basis language to the agreement.  Commissioner McCulloh observed that means if you don’t have the money you don’t have to pay.  The figures used in the draft of the proposed agreement pertaining to payment allocations will be spelled out more precisely such as 59.9% rather than rounded out to 60%.

Preparations are being made to close out the County’s existing law library.  A major goal will be to get all the books out on time.  Law books will be offered for sale and those left will be given free to interested persons.  While the goal is to vacate the property by January 31, Holeman advises paying the rent through February to insure adequate time for the move.

Holeman said there is some concern expressed by the Kansas Association of Counties that the Legislature may make an effort to place financial responsibilities for electronic filing costs on the counties.  Also it appears there may be plans to place more responsibility for court expenses on counties for payment of court filing costs.  Possibly even county prosecutors will be charged filing fees.

A public hearing was held on 2012 budget amendments involving line item shifts.  Nothing resulted in additional tax costs to Riley County.

EMS Director Larry Couchman reported on progress regarding a transfer of EMS reserve account funds from Via Christi to the County.



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