All Commissioners present, plus the two who were elected in November.
After routine business and an executive session, Commissioners held a press conference. Mr. Lewis presented a plaque to Greg McHenry, Appraiser, in recognition of his award of designation as Assessment Administration Specialist by the International Association of Assessing Officers. This is a very rare achievement. Mr. McHenry spoke graciously in acceptance.
Jerry Haug updated Commissioners on the status of work on K-18. Murray Road access will be closed as of today; access will be via the north roundabout on Scenic Drive. By the end of this week (weather permitting), east-bound traffic can travel on the 2 lanes of the old road and west-bound on the 2 lanes of the new road. Stagg Hill Road access will be closed until the east-bound new road is finished next fall. In late March, traffic will revert to one lane each way ("head-to-head"). About mid-June, 4 lanes will re-open west of Scenic Drive. The project will be finished in the fall of 2013. If you are going to the airport, turn off the GPS. GPS programs are not updated, and drivers should follow the signs. Eureka Drive is open and can be accessed via Skyway to Scenic Drive.
Eileen King, Treasurer, said property taxes are due by December 20. Information on payment methods, including interest on payment plans, can be found on under e-gov services, or phone 537-6321. Many people may not be aware that if first half of personal property taxes are not paid Dec. 20, the entire amount becomes immediately due. The Treasurer's office will close at noon on Dec 31, pending formal approval.
Dawn Searles, Health Department, said Riley County has already had a few cases of the flu. Lafene has had 7 cases. The Health Dept. administered 3,467 flu shots, including 25 outside clinics. Children, as expected, have had harder cases and recover more slowly than adults from flu.
Scott Carpenter, Riley County Fire Department, gave tips on holiday safety and winter safety. For holiday safety, place no more than 2 or 3 light strings on one circuit, and don't use nails or staples. Check for fraying and wear and tear of wires. Extinguish all lights at night, especially candles. Keep live trees moistened. In the kitchen, if you plan to fry your turkey, be sure it is completely thawed, or you will have a grease explosion. For general winter advice, above all, do not follow too closely when driving. Clean your chimneys, and keep space heaters at least 3 feet from anything flammable.
Tim Hagerty, RCPD, said when shopping, take valuables with you and lock your car. If you are leaving town, alert neighbors, keep the house locked, and have a plan for your mail and newspapers. When traveling, slow down, especially in rain or snow conditions, and keep a good distance from the car ahead. Also, do not swerve to miss any deer.
Johnette Shepek, Budget and Finance Officer, presented the estimated 2012 ending balance in the General Fund report. Resources for 2012 totaled $23,627,685, expenditures totaled $20,073,999, and the balance was $3,553,686. These figures are estimates, which include expected income and expenses for the rest of the year. The balance is the lowest Riley County has had for many years.
Craig Cox, Asst. Counsel, gave an administrative update. He dealt with paving districts, code enforcement coordination with Planning Dept. migrant housing at Britt's, and letters sent out for personal property collection.
Monty Wedel, Planning Director, presented proposed schedule of increases in planning and development fees. The fees include building permits, petitions, evaluations, licenses, and water and other tests. The fees are meant to more nearly compensate the county for services provided to the public, by asking the public who use the services to pay more for them. Commissioners approved the schedule. Mr. Wedel will bring the formal proposal for approval.
Commissioners had an executive session before the lunch break. After lunch, Debbie Regester reported on Register of Deeds' Office 2012 Accomplishments and 2013 Goals. Commissioners had three more executive sessions before adjournment. The executive sessions were for personnel evaluation of department heads.
Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg.
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