Monday, December 3, 2012

USD 383 Board of Education

Nov. 28, 2012
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

Universal Construction, the district's program manager for all of the construction projects with the exception of MHS West Campus, presented its final report to the board.  The construction projects are considered complete.  Board members thanked Universal and praised their management of the projects.

Board members discussed the district's current policy for senior release.  Of the parents who responded to a survey, 86% favored continuing senior release.  Dr. Bob Shannon, Superintendent, recommended that senior release continue, but he also recommended developing a definition of college/career readiness that seniors would have to comply with to be eligible for early release.  Pete Paukstelis favored discontinuing senior release because he felt the district should use that time to further students' educations, and he suggested that graduation requirements may be too low.  Dave Colburn said he wanted to see the high school remain flexible to accommodate different needs.  The board approved 5-1 to continue offering senior release, with Paukstelis dissenting.

The board received an update from the MHS Booster Club about fundraising efforts for artificial turf for Bishop Stadium.  Boosters had a commitment from the Manhattan Surgical Hospital in the amount of $200,000, and a commitment of $100,000 from Steel and Pipe.  The Boosters have also received smaller commitments and estimated that they have raised $550,000, which included $200,000 that the district will contribute.

Board members were presented with recommendations for new courses, course name changes, and course deletions for the 2013-14 school year.  One of the proposed changes that was discussed in depth was the change in middle school math.  The Math in Focus curriculum that was previously adopted for the elementary grades will be implemented at the middle school level so that the district's curriculum will better match the common core standards.  The board approved 6-0 the proposed changes.

Dr. Shannon also reported that the district's attorney had presented the district's argument to the Kansas Court of Appeals in regards to its case against the city concerning the long-standing agreement that had provided free water to schools.

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