Thursday, December 31, 2009

Riley County Commission 12/31/09

Joan Strickler, observer

Riley County Commission 12/31/09

Commissioners Kearns and McCulloh present, Kearns presiding.

The Commissioners voted to sign a contract for services with Pawnee Mental Health.

There was general discussion with staff about the importance of offering as many services as possible on-line to save money and staff time.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman presented a request by Dara’s Fast Lane for a Resolution Authorizing Sunday Sales of Cereal Malt Beverages. Such a resolution would affect all unincorporated areas of Riley County. The Commissioners agreed to have such a resolution prepared and submitted to the public. It will specify a 60 day period which would allow for a valid protest petition to be filed. Such a protest petition would force the issue to be subject to voter approval.

Craig Cox, assistant county counselor, presented a revised draft of a long term lease on county land for the aTa transit facility. The Commissioners agreed by consensus to submit the suggested lease to the Kansas Department of Transportation for their approval.

Following a presentation by Dawn Shoffner, assistant director of technology, it was agreed to accept, with minor changes, a revised version of the proposed new home page for Riley County’s website.

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