Monday, April 19, 2010

BOCC April 19, 2010

Board of County Commissioners April 19, 2010.

Julie Merklin observer

McCulloh and Kearns present

Rod Meredith listed some park project plans including the completion of lighting and signage at Rocky Ford Outdoor recreation area, repairs for Wild Cat Park including the restroom, Ci Co Park restroom repair, and a trail along Casement Road from Marlatt to Barnes Road Bridge.
Meredith also showed proposed plans to improve the Overlook south of town on K177. with a trail, and an improved interpretive station.

Johnette Shepek, Budget Finance Officer presented the 2011 Budget Baseline report. She presented the 2010 budget and the 2009 actual values for each department plus the 2009 Department Budget Analysis, which compares the 2009 Budget for Personnel Services and Contractual Services, Commodities and Capital Outlay (the 3 C’s) to the 2009 Actual Expenditures in each category as well as the overall Department Total.

Clancey Holeman presented the contract for provision of Medical services at the jail. This will also go to the law board.

The Board accepted the temporary resignation of Commissioner Johnson from the Law board and voted to appoint Commissioner McCulloh temporarily to that position. She will be sworn in at the Law Board at their meeting later today.

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