Thursday, September 20, 2012

Riley County Commission mtg 9-20-12

All Commissioners present. Commissioners discussed variations in figures given to them for use in the presentations on the 1/2-cent sales tax renewal proposal. County Treasurer's figures differed from those given by Public Works. Johnette Shepek, Budget officer, will gather data and reconcile the figures. The figures are estimates, based on various data.
Debbie Regester, Register of Deeds, reported on year-to-date revenue. There have been four mortgages of over $1 million during the past month. The registration processes produce revenue for the County. The remote access has had 6,926 log-ins, 6,107 of them during working hours. These save staff time, and also bring in copy fees. Subscriptions to remote access are $100 per year. The revenue for the period is $11,642, which includes subscriptions and copying fees.
Clancy Holeman, Administration and Counsel, yielded time to Monty Wedel for Commissioners to discuss which map of boundaries and cost sharing they prefer for the Manhattan Area Planning Organization. They chose "map 4a," (by consensus )which includes Ogden with Manhattan, but not Fort Riley. Other entities are Junction City, Pottawttomie County, Riley County, and Geary County.
Mr Holeman said the trustees of the Law Library will be meeting with trustees of Manhattan Public Library to make final arrangements for moving the Law Library to the Public Library. It is expected to take about 6 months to complete the move. The Public Library will receive $5000 to assist in the move. Mr Holeman said they hope to have a contract signed by Oct 1. Commissioners emphasized the need for public access to the Law Library.
Ginny Barnard, Extension, discussed the summer nutrition program in Ogden. They had planned to have sessions for adults for 4 weeks and for children for 2 weeks, but found that parents remained for their children's sessions, and brought the children along for their own sessions. So they all worked effectively together. They emphasized such things as cooking skills, food safety, resource managements, physical activity, and family sharing of meals. Kristin Garcia, Extension, said that National 4-H week is Octobr 7-13. They have 11 local clubs, and about 350 youths participating. The project kick-off is Oct 20, 1-4:00 p.m. at Pottorff. Their fund-raising garage sale is this Friday from 6-8:00 and Saturday 8-10:30 a.m. at Pottorff. Items will be priced from 25 cents, bags $4.
Brad Schoen, Director of RCPD, updated Commissioners. They are going to start advertising for two additional positions (already budgeted): one Public Information officer and one Crime Scene Tech. The PIO will need to be skilled in modern communication methods such as Twitter. They have had interactions with other Police Departments as far away as Australia. Mr. Schoen said they should be prepared for a rise in Workers Compensation rates and higher deductibles on insurance. It may cost them $30,000 more next year for insurance. Mr Schoen will look into the possiblity that recent changes at the State level may make it possible for the RCPD to become eligible for the State Pool. In the matter of the renaming of the Law Enforcement Center in honor of retiring County Commissioner Al Johnson, they will discuss dates for the ceremony on Monday.
Bob Isaac, Planner, presented a request for replat of property in northern Riley County, owned by Robert and Marian Brandenburg. They asked for erasure of property line between two lots, to make only one lot. Study by Planning board on Sept 10 found no reason to deny. They recommended approval of the change, as did County staff. Approved 3-0.
Mr Isaac presented a request by Monte Poersch for Residential Designator Lot ("extraneous farmstead") for his property. Planning Board had approved the change; staff recommended approval. Approved 3-0.
Leon Hobson, Public Works Director/County Engineer, requested permission to fill a position of Administrative Clerk I, which has been vacant since April 2011. He said his present staff is overworked (one present worker will soon go on extended maternity leave, adding to the burden) with all the necessary paper work, and he needs the position filled as soon as possible. Ms McCulloh said she felt they should have McGrath (consultant) come in to evaluate the need and help them to attain greater efficiency with present staff. Mr Hobson said they have already improved efficiency in several ways, and McGrath could not have the expertise to evaluate their particular situation. Ms McCullogh reminded all present that if the sales tax renewal does not pass, there will be cut-backs in all departments, and they should plan for the future. Mr. Lewis said he disagrees on the refusal of the position, because it might compromise the service provided by Mr Hobson's department. Mr Johnson moved that they approve filling the position. Mr. Lewis seconded. Passed 2-1, with Ms McCulloh dissenting.
Motion to Adjourn after City/County/County meeting this afternoon. Passed 3-0. Submitted by Lyndal Nyberg

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