Saturday, October 20, 2012

BOCC Oct 18, 2012

BOCC 10/18/12
All commissioners present, Johnson presiding

During the Business Meeting contracts were signed with five attorneys who will be on the Indigent Defense Panel.
The Commission went into executive session until 9:45. At 9:50 bids were opened for the Walnut Creek bridge replacement.

Then there was a break until 10:15

Brad Schoen, RCPD Director discussed the recent outbreak of bicycle thefts. The number and value of the bikes suggests these are not random thefts but perhaps more organized.
He also mentioned the RCPD's social media site on Twitter which has quite a number of followers.

MontyWedel, Planning/Special Projects Director presented the new zoning amendments for billboard signs. These changes were developed by the Urban Area Planning Board and the county's billboard advisory board.. They will only affect the county . These changes are to bring the rules into conformity with state regulations.
Digital signs along county highways will be illegal and the rules for size and spacing of billboards have been changed. Existing billboards will be "grandfathered" in. New laws also prohibit doubledecker billboards. The proposed changes were accepted by the Commission.
Julie Merklin, Observer

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