Wednesday, February 20, 2013

USD 383 Board of Education

Feb. 6, 2013
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

Dr. Bob Seymour, Assoc. Superintendent, provided the board with the mid-year enrollment report.  Enrollment in the elementary grades was down 37 students but had increased by 21 students in preschool, resulting in a net decrease of 16 students.

Dr. Bob Shannon, Superintendent, reported on the numerous bills introduced in the Kansas Legislature that would impact K-12 education.  Current proposals call for the state's per pupil funding remaining flat for the next two years and then increasing by $12 per pupil in the third year.

The board was provided with information for summer programs for 2013.  Programs will include MHS credit recovery, driver's education, field biology, enriched learning opportunities, special education services, virtual school, and Flint Hills Summer Fun Camp, which includes autism spectrum students.  The board approved the proposed summer programs.

The board approved hiring architectural firm Gould-Evans, which is the firm that worked on the MHS West Campus project, to conduct a facilities study for MHS East Campus to determine needs and priorities.  Member of the public Alan Gast addressed the board to express his disappointment that the board had selected an out-of-town firm to conduct the study.

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