Thursday, April 25, 2013

Riley County Commission april 25, 2013

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Ron Wells, Robert Boyd and Dave Lewis present.  Lewis presiding.

Commissioner Boyd told of a meeting of the Riley County Health Advisory Committee where the subject of primary health care was discussed.  While primary medical care is currently offered at the Riley County Health Department, it is not typical for county health departments to provide that type of service.   There was some discussion of the advisability of encouraging a primary care practice currently operating out of Junction City to open an office in Manhattan to take over that care currently provided at the Health Department.

County Attorney Barry Wilkerson said his office and the courts are still trying to figure out the issues to be dealt with under provisions of the concealed carry legislation passed during the current legislative session.  The serious issues involve trying to set up adequate security measures in court houses and other facilities not originally built with tight security in mind.

Questions were raised about the County’s role in paying Worker’s Compensation premiums for Riley County offices receiving funds from outside sources.  These would include Corrections, Solid Waste, Rural Fire and other entities operating with revenue sources outside of the general fund, State, federal mil levy and/or fees.   The current practice is to have such costs remain with those departments involved rather than make them the responsibility of the County general fund. Commissioners agreed to maintain the system as it is through 2013 and 2014 but to study the matter involved more thoroughly in the near future.  


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