Friday, February 7, 2014

USD 383 Board of Education

Feb. 6, 2014
Kathy Dzewaltowski, observer

Dr. Bob Seymour, Assoc. Superintendent, presented the board with a report on mid-year enrollment.  Fourteen additional preschool students had enrolled since the September count, but other grade levels saw decreases.  Elementary enrollment was down 14 students, the middle school level was down 10 students, and the high school level had decreased by 4 students.  Enrollment projections from the Kansas Association of School Boards had predicted an increase of 49 students.  If the current grade level numbers were moved up a grade to predict enrollment for next year and assuming that kindergarten enrollment would stay about the same, then the district should see an increase of 166 students.  Dr. Seymour said it's not unusual for enrollment to take a dip in January.  Dave Colburn suggested that the board should further discuss the mid-year enrollment data at a future meeting as it will impact the district's plans, such as whether to build another elementary school.

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