Thursday, March 27, 2014

Riley County Commission March 27, 2014

Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Wells, Boyd and Lewis present, Boyd presiding.
Monty Wedel, planning/special projects director, gave an update on a proposal by Steve Springer to clarify ownership of road access to his land.   Springer has expressed an interest in building a recreation area on land south of the mall off Hwy 177.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman provided a brief update on proposed legislation affecting Kansas counties.  It is difficult to keep informed at this stage of the legislative session.  Many bills are being bundled together in conference committee reports such as bills affecting mortgage registration fees, taxing of fixtures, and changes affecting operations of the Board of Tax appeals.  A number of these bills, if passed, could have an adverse impact on counties.

Manhattan City Manager Ron Fehr gave a general update to the Commissioners on City activities.  Downtown alleys are scheduled for construction beginning in April and extending through August.  The alleys are located between Third and Fifth Streets on Humboldt St. and Poyntz Avenue, and between Third Street and Fifth Street on Poyntz Avenue and Houston St.  Construction on Bluemont in Aggieville hopefully will be finished in April.

The City Commission is promoting the taxing of internet sales with the Kansas Congressional delegation.  Internet sales are having a heavy adverse impact on brick and mortar stores in the community. 

The plans for Tallgrass Brewing Company to move all of its operations to Manhattan was welcomed by all.

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