Monday, April 21, 2014

Riley County Commission April 21, 2014

 Joan Strickler, observer

Commissioners Wells, Boyd and Lewis present, Boyd presiding.

The Commission convened as the Board of Health and heard from Brenda Nickel, Health Department Director.  She spoke of the role of the public information officer in dealing with getting out routine information to the public and, especially, the importance of presenting information clearly and concisely during emergencies.

The Commissioners agreed to allow the director and public information officer to participate in an out-of-state training session.  The Commission then reconvened as the County Commission.

Martha Seaton said the 10th Annual Enid Stover Poetry Recitation will be held in the rose garden at Manhattan City Park at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 26.

Riley County Museum Director Cheryl Collins announced an open house will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on April 26, at newly restored Rocky Ford School located off Tuttle Creek Road at Barnes.  The school is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and renovations were recently completed.
Tours for 4th grade students will explore life in the 1880’s during tours of the Wolf House Museum April 28, 29, 30 and May 5.  Regular open hours are Saturday and Sunday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Rural Fire Chief Pat Collins reported 33 firefighters with 18 apparatus spent about 150 man hours fighting a fire that started at Holeman and Fairview Church Road last Friday.   Crews were called out again later and spent another six hours putting out rekindles on Saturday.  They were able to protect a house threatened by the flames.  The fire consumed about 130 acres.  The Commissioners agreed some special recognition should be given to all volunteer firefighters.

County Counselor Clancy Holeman said he is putting together information about licensed concealed carry and arranging for a presentation on a use of force individual threat assessment for a joint meeting of the County and City Commissions.

A work session on Public Building Commission issues will be scheduled in mid-June.

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